At any given time, a permit request is assigned a unique status. Status definitions correspond to steps in the permit approval process. Permit approval process initial status definitions are created during the Civic Permits intake process, but these can be edited, if needed. Please note, there is no “undo” feature, so make careful consideration prior to making these changes. If you need support in changing or adding status definitions we are happy to help. Submit a support ticket so that we may assist you.
The name of the status definition, used only for reference within the Civic Permits setting areas.
Status Permissions
Status permissions are assigned actions that can be performed on a given permit application while assigned the respective status. Please note, each status must be assigned permissions specific to that status. The permissions available are as follows:
- All new requests should be set to this status. Once submitted, this is the default status assigned to a permit application. There can only be one status definition that can have this permission.
- Allow requesters to attach documents. When this permission is enabled, requesters can upload documents on the Permit Details page, this permission is used mainly to collect insurance documents.
- Allow requesters to print the permit. When this permission is enabled, requesters will be able to print the permit. This permission should only be assigned to status definitions for an approved permit (you do not want your requesters to have the ability to print permits that are not approved).
- Allow requesters to pay invoices. When this permission is enabled, requesters can pay invoices online (used in conjunction with online payments).
- Allow requesters to edit request details. When this permission is enabled, requesters can make changes to their permit applications assigned to this status. Used mainly for permits assigned to a rejected status whereby the requester need to make changes to the permit application.
- Requests in this status should be used for conflict detection. Enables conflict detection for permit applications assigned to this status. This option is used in conjunction with the conflict detection settings in the Sites settings area (Facilities section).
Calendar Options
- Show requests in this status on the calendar. When this permission is enabled, activity information from permit applications assigned to this status will appear in the calendar views under the "All Events" filter option.
- Requests in this status are shown to the public. Used in conjunction with the Show requests in this status on calendar option above. When this permission is enabled, activities assigned to this status will appear in public calendar views.
- Background color when shown on the calendar. You can select a background color that will be used to color code events on the calendar views when set to this status. Pre-defined colors are available on the left of the color swap.
- Calendar Legend. Based on the calendar colors you have set for each status; A legend will display at the bottom on the calendar.
- Text color when shown on the calendar.
Automated Processing
Status changes can be automatically applied to a permit application. For example, a submitted permit with the status of “Awaiting Insurance Documents” can be changed after a certain amount of days to “Rejected” if the requester fails to upload insurance documents within the given time. Or, automated processing can be used to change a permit application that is set to “Awaiting Payment” to “Approved” if no payment is due (i.e. free use).
Configure Email Notifications
When the Enable email notifications to be sent to users option is enabled in the General Settings, Mail Server section, email notifications will be sent out each time a permit application is assigned to a status and the respective email notification text can be defined for each status definition.
Placeholders tokens can be used with the notification text to represent common variables. Each token must be enclosed in brackets shown below. Available placeholders include the following:
General | These tokens are always available. |
{Civic Permits URL} | Base URL to the Civic Permits application. |
{District Name} | Name of the district. |
{Support Email} | Email address of the person or group configured as the support contact in the settings area. |
{Support Name} | Name of the person or group configured as the support contact in the settings area. |
{Support Phone} | Phone number of the person or group configured as the support contact in the settings area. |
Permit Request | Available when the notification is related to a permit request. |
{Activity} | Activity that the permit request is for. |
{First Name} | First name of the person who submitted the permit request. |
{Group} | Name of the organization that submitted the permit request. |
{Last Name} | Last name of the person that submitted the permit request. |
{Permit ID} | ID of the permit request. |
{Permit Request URL} | Full URL to view the permit request. |
{Site} | Site that the permit request is for. |
{Event Details} | Facilities, dates, and times that have been requested. |
Email Verification | Available in the email message sent to verify ownership of an email address. |
{First Name} | First name of the account holder. |
{Group} | Name of the organization the account holder represents. |
{Last Name} | Last name of the account holder. |
{Verification Code} | Code that the user needs to enter to verify ownership of their email address. |
{Verification URL} | URL that the user needs to visit to verify ownership of their email address. |
Password Reset | Available in the password reset email message. |
{First Name} | First name of the account holder. |
{Group} | Name of the organization the account holder represents. |
{Last Name} | Last name of the account holder. |
{Password Reset URL} | URL that will allow the user to change their password without knowing their current password. |
Permit Request | Available when changing the status of a permit request. |
{Request Comments} | Comments that were added to the permit request. |
{Comments} | Comments that were set when changing the status of the permit request. |
Invoice | Available when creating a new invoice. |
{Amount Due} | Amount of the invoice that is due. |
{Comments} | Invoice comments. |
{Due Date} | Date that the invoice is due. |
{Invoice ID} | ID of the invoice. |
{Invoice URL} | Full URL to view and print the invoice. |
Documents | Available when a document has been attached to a permit request. |
{Document Name} | Name of the document that was uploaded. |
{Document Size} | Size of the document that was uploaded. |
{Document URL} | URL to download the document. |
Credit Card Payment | Available when a credit card payment has been made. |
{Amount} | Amount that was paid. |
{Date} | Date that the payment was entered into the system. |
{Invoice ID} | ID of the invoice that the payment was applied to. |
{Transaction ID} | ID of the credit card transaction returned by the payment gateway. |
Manual Payment | Available when a manual payment has been processed by the district. |
{Amount} | Amount that was received. |
{Comments} | Comments provided when processing the payment. |
{Date} | Date that the payment was entered into the system. |
{Invoice ID} | ID of the invoice that the payment was applied to. |
{Method} | Method of payment. |
{Reference} | Payment reference number. |
Tokens are not case sensitive.