The Site Settings page is used to manage sites (school locations) in Civic Permits. Your initial Civic Permits setup package included initial configuration of your sites. Use the Site Settings page to make any changes needed to sites.
Note: Only Civic Permits Enterprise Edition customers can create new sites. If you are a Civic Permits Direct customer, please contact Civic Permits support to add additional sites. Sometimes, depending on what tier your district is in, additional sites can affect the annual license paid.
Site Details
Edit a site’s physical address information in the Site Details portion of the form. The Region field classifies sites under a school type (Elementary, High School, etc.) or boundary area (such as a Board of Education jurisdictional area). The Region field options available were set up during your initial configuration. If you need to change the options in the Region field, please contact Civic Permits Support.
Specify available facility types at a respective site and the associated fee schedule (fee schedules are configured in the Fee Settings page).
Associate a facility type (i.e. Auditorium, Multi-purpose room, Soccer Field, etc.) with a site:
- Check the box in front of the Facility Type
- Select the respective fee schedule used to calculate the fees for this facility type.
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the form to save your changes.
Facility Names (optional). Use the Facility Names field to configure actual facility names to be used when approving a permit and assigning a specific facility at a site. Each facility name must be entered on a single line in the Facility Names field. For example, a site has two soccer fields: Field A and Field B, enter both Field A and Field B in the Facility Names field (one per line).
In the current version of Civic Permits, facility names are only used for reference when a permit is being approved. Also, facility names are most often imported via a separate 3rd party process/software by a District’s IT department with a Civic Permits Enterprise license (hosted at the district).
Description and Maps
You can also add a description and map to each school. Use the description located at the bottom to the site details to communicate information about a specific school or site to renters.
Example: Pool Maximum Occupancy: 200
You may upload a map by scrolling to the bottom of the site page. Add maps to help renters know which field they've been assigned. Use the description to communicate information about a specific school or site to renters.
Use the description to communicate information about a specific school or site to renters.