
Group Notes

Use Group Notes to allow school and district staff to view and edit notes about a group on a permit request. Group notes can be used to include information about the group such as incidents of vandalism, billing credits, warnings, etc. Group Notes are stored in the User record (see the User Settings page) and optionally can be displayed on the Permit Details page for all permit requests the group submits.

Group Notes displayed on a Permit Details Page 

Group Notes are not displayed to permit requesters (i.e. outside groups cannot see group notes) and the district can decide if school site or other Roles should be granted viewing or editing rights to Group Notes on the Permit Details page. This is done through modifying roles on the Role Settings page to enable members of a given Role to view and/or edit group notes. 

Enable Viewing/Editing of Group Notes

1. Open the Role Settings page. (Note: typically only the district office can open Setting pages.) Select the Role name that you wish to modify from the left menu to load the role settings.

Main menu with Roles selected 

2. Scroll down to find the Able to view group notes and Able to edit group notes section and adjust the settings as needed.

  • To grant members of this Role read only (viewing-only) access to notes on the Permit Details page, select Yes to Able to view group notes?
  • To enable members of this Role to change (edit) group notes directly on the Permit Details page, select Yes to Able to edit group notes?

Selecting a role name from the list of available roles

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Role settings page and click on the Save button to save your changes.

Enabling Group Notes viewing/editing

Members of the Role that you modified will now be able to view and/or edit group notes depending on the options you selected.

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