With the Insurance Policy Management feature, Civic Permits provides enhanced insurance document management over the standard feature of attaching insurance documents to each permit application.
Insurance Policy Management allows requesters to upload insurance certificates not tied to a specific permit request. District staff can then approve (or reject) the uploaded document, and input insurance coverage dates for which the policy is valid.
This feature uses a visual indicator on the Permit Details page to flag requested dates and times not covered by an approved certificate of insurance.
Insurance Policy Management is provided for on the Insurance Polices page which provides the following functionality:
- Allows requesters to upload insurance policies.
- Allows the district (or other appropriate Civic Permits Role) to review uploaded insurance policy documents, approve them, and set the policy effective and expiration dates. District staff can also filter insurance policies by the expiration date, status, group name, and insurer.
Enabling Insurance Policy Management
Insurance Policy Management is disabled by default. To enable Insurance Policy Management, go the General Settings page and find the Enable Insurance Policy Management setting. Click Yes to enable Insurance Policy Management and then scroll down and click Save to save the changes.
When Insurance Policy Management is enabled, an Insurance Polices link appears in the main navigation menu, which points to the Insurance Polices page.
Once enabled, when requesters sign in to Civic Permits, they can now upload PDF versions of their certificates of insurance directly on the Insurance Policies page.
You will also have to grant the respective Roles permission to edit and approve insurance policies.
1. Open the Role Settings page. (Note: typically only the district office can open Setting pages.)
2. Select the Role name that you wish to modify from the left menu to load the role settings.
3. Scroll down to find the Able to edit and approve insurance policies? setting and click Yes to grant edit/approve rights for this Role.
4. Scroll down and click on the Save button to save the settings.
Members of the modified Role will now be able to process (edit/approve) insurance policy certificates on the Insurance Policies page.
Processing Insurance Documents
Open the Insurance Polices page.
Insurance policies are listed with most recent submissions on top. Find the insurance policy you wish to review and process (you can use the filters on the left as needed). Once found, you can click on the document/magnifying glass icon to view the insurance policy. Review the insurance policy and then close the browser tab to return to the Insurance Policies page.
Click on the pencil icon to open the properties for the insurance document you reviewed.
Complete the properties form by inputting the Insurer, Policy Effective date, Policy End date. Check the Approved box to certify that the insurance policy is approved by the district.
Deleting Insurance Documents
Insurance documents can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon.
However, once an insurance document is approved, it can no longer be deleted. To delete an insurance document, click on the edit icon to open the document for editing and then deselect the Approved checkbox and save your changes. You will see the trash icon which can be used to delete the document.
Note: Once an insurance document is deleted, it cannot be reversed (there is no “undo” option and the document does not go into a Recycle Bin).