Open a Civic Permits Calendar in Google Calendar or Outlook
Follow the steps below to add a Civic Permits calendar view as a new calendar in Google Calendar or Outlook.
1. In Civic Permits, apply any appropriate filters to generate the calendar view you wish to open in Google Calendar or Outlook (i.e. filter by school, facility, or status).
2. Select Share This Calendar.
3. On the Share this Calendar dialog, right click on the open this calendar link.
4. Select Copy link address.
Once you have the link address copied, you can open the calendar in Google Calendar or Outlook. See steps below for each option.
Open in Google Calendar
1. Click on the menu next to the Other calendars heading and select Add by URL.
2. Paste in the URL you copied from step 4 above (hint: you can type Ctrl + v). Then, click on the Add Calendar button.
The Civic Permits calendar will be added in Google Calendar and you will start to see the events appear as the calendar is synchronized.
Note: it may take a few minutes to see all events.
Open in Outlook
1. In Outlook, right click on Other Calendars, select Add Calendar, and select From Internet.
2. In the New Internet Calendar Subscription window, paste in the URL you copied from step 4 above (hint: you can type Ctrl + v). Click on the OK button to continue.
3. Click Yes when prompted to Add the calendar.
The Civic Permits calendar will be added in Outlook and you will start to see the events appear as the calendar is synchronized.
Note: it may take a few minutes to see all events.